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Montažne stopnice
Bel poliran terazzo
Konzolne stopnice
Brušen terazzo
Author: arh. Kobe
Exposed concrete stairs
Author: arh. Apollonio
Polished concrete stairs
Author: arh. Apollonio
Polished concrete stairs
Author: arh. Suhadolc
Bush hammered concrete stairs
Privat house
Bush hammered concrete stairs
Privat house
Polished concrete stairs
Privat house
Polished terazzo stairs
Hotel Rogaška Slatina
Polished terazzo stairs
Polished terazzo stairs
Privat house
Polished and bush hammered concrete stairs
Privat house
Brushed concrete stairs
Privat house
Structured concrete stairs
Author: arhitekti Landscape
Polished terazzo stairs
Author: arh. Vesna in Matej Vozlič
Polished terazzo stairs
Privat house
Bush hammered concrete stairs
Privat house
Structured concrete stairs
Author: arh. Maruša Zorec
Exposed concrete stairs
Author: prof.Valentinčič
Polished and bush hammered concrete stairs
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